A way of thinking that considers the relationship between people, the land, and the spiritual world.
It includes ideas about ethics, social structures, and the nature of the world.
I cover a wide range of custom and personalized products, that are always made from sustainable and high-quality material, with attention to detail, each product is as beautiful and unique as the person who orders it, other products are made in small batchs that are limited supply. That being said I don't Accept requests for mass-produced or bulk orders. I plan to stay a business with a minimal impact on the environment, and will continue my efforts by finding new innovative, sustainable, eco friendly solutions and materials to farther reduce my footprint.
Established in 2021, just after I returned to school, I registered my Business 'Edge RayJer Design' starting as a cleaning services with my mother, I would casually sell decor and jewelry designed and hand crafted by me when requested. Unfortunately I stopped all cleaning services we offered after my mom was Killed in a car accident the same week I gave birth to my daughter in the beginning of spring in 2022. The Medical dilemmas Im experiencing are definitely obstacles I never expected, but I plan to get to a point where Im able to work more and am able to fully participate in my kids lives. I have been able to sell a few custom orders and offer personal online assistance services. Though I'm still unable to work full-time, I want to live a 'normal' life as much as I'm able to, because at the end of the day that's all I ever wanted.
My hopes and dreams for the future of my business:
1. Collaborate with both the public and catholic schools in town to Offer Two part-time positions each year for Aboriginal Youth between the ages of 14-18 years old, to be able to gain work experience, earn up to 30 credits towards their high school diploma, and at the end of each school year they will receive a paycheck for all the hours worked through the year, and extra incentives for seniors in the program upon graduation.
2. Developing a much-needed outreach support services specifically tailored to help Indigenous Individuals over the age of 18, integrate/ reintegrate into the Community with a Culturally Relevant approach, through traditional teachings, developing new approaches to teach Financial Literacy, and developing a more collaborative medical and mental health treatment plans and programs focusing on benefits of developing healthy habits and making healthy decisions with more informative facts about the dangerous effects that happen to the mind and the body after alcohol, drug, and tobacco/vape use; Especially with long-term and chronic use.
Due to both Physical and mental health concerns I needed to take time off working and school, sadly I wasn’t able to complete my courses or work full-time. Instead focusing on taking care of my daughter, and searching for a long-term treatment plan that works for me and getting on a waiting list for mental health programs that are said to help people ( like me) learn, understand, and manage living with the traumas I experienced through events in my life. It was found my condition doesn't have a cure, there is a promising treatment that requires one trip to the city and one procedure that involves burning nerves in my spine that requires me to be fully conscious, which is scary, but because its new and categorized under physiotherapy my medical coverage wont cover the cost, it is still experimental and no guarantee it will work or last. I would accept the risks, because i don't want to end up in a wheelchair for any amount of time during my life.